Sunday, June 13, 2010


You know those days when you wonder why the heck you're even bothering to do what you're doing? I've been having one of those days. I spent the entire day doing homework, and it wasn't even like it was meaningful homework. It was almost entirely busy work, things like "copy down all the sentences that show that the juror system is important." I want to learn Japanese, not learn how to copy things really well. I wouldn't have a problem with the homework if there was actually a point to it, but there isn't, and honestly, I could be doing exactly the same thing at home, so why am I even here? What's the point of living with a host family if I never actually have time to be around them?

I think I need a sanity break, but knowing me, I'll just wind up doing more homework to try to get a little bit ahead this week (not going to happen) and then collapse into bed.


On a lighter note, I found out that Ratatouille and Up have been retitled in Japanese as Remi's Delicious Restaurant and Grandpa Carl's Flying House respectively. You learn something new every day, I guess.

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