Friday, July 2, 2010

There's boring...and then there's Noh

Well, apparently my reading comprehension fails late at night, 'cause there was no gender change in the crazed-kidnapping-murdering-nurse story. Still, she switched babies and then murdered one of them. WHOO.

In other news, today we went to see a Noh play. Or, really, we went to a Noh theatre, got talked at for two hours (during which time I was trying very, very hard to look interested while falling asleep) and then watched ten minutes of Noh. The Noh itself wasn't boring. Although I couldn't understand a single word they were saying. Then again, according to the Noh guy, even the Noh actors can't understand what they're saying sometimes. What is the deal with reciting things which you don't know the meaning of? But anyway, we only watched ten minutes of Noh, and I've heard that most performances last 3-4 hours, so I think that it would get very, very boring very, very quickly. Especially if you didn't get an explanation of the story beforehand. So, yeah. That was my incredibly exciting Noh experience.

In other other news, I have been putting together material for the class I'm teaching next week. And you know what I have discovered? I don't like following instructions. Well, I guess we already knew that, but really. If I'm going to teach a class, I don't want to have someone else tell me how to do it, and I don't want to put together a minute-by-minute plan. I'm good at improvising and playing it by ear and figuring out what people are struggling with, but having to create a minute-by-minute lesson plan with set discussion questions doesn't allow me to do that. PFEH. We'll see how it goes. I have a feeling that I will not stick to my lesson plan and get a failing grade, but at least that way people will actually learn something.

[/frustration with incompatible teaching styles]

What other exciting things have been going on? Lessee...tomorrow we're going to an onsen. Yeah. Well, we'll see how that goes.

Also, little host brother's hearing has not improved at all despite being on antibiotics. Not good.

Also also, I should pretty much stop asking my host mom what I'm eating, 'cause if I don't recognize it, it's probably some kind of seaweed. Seriously, every time I think I've eaten all the kinds of seaweed there are to eat, more of them show up. And they are all delicious.

I have seventy thousand pounds of homework this week, so I think I'm going to start on that tonight. WHEE.

Oh, yeah, and remember how I said no one wears a helmet? She wasn't in our program, but one of the girls in another KCJS program got into a bike accident (I haven't heard all the details but I believe there was a car involved?) and broke her arm. She wasn't wearing a helmet. Correlation? Clearly lack of helmet ----> accidents.

Okay, going to run away now! Bye bye!

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