Thursday, July 1, 2010

I am about to fall asleep on my keyboard but I figured I'd let my parents know that I haven't died in some ditch somewhere

I just finished writing the most jaded essay ever about how ANA is stealing money from people who don't feel like drinking things on airplanes. I don't even know.

Also, remember that story that I said I thought would end with a kidnapping? Well, I was sort of right. It actually turned out that the stalker-nurse had switched rich-lady's baby boy with her granddaughter at birth (and for some reason no one noticed, you know, the child's sudden gender change) and then killed the baby and buried his bones in a bag in her garden. Suddenly, Seiji seems to be really mentally stable. (Wait, no, I lied. He's never mentally stable. Especially not around pens.)

Other than that, not a whole lot going on over here. Tomorrow afternoon we're going to see a Noh play, which everyone (including my language partner and my host mom and people who have seen Noh plays before) tells me will be excruciatingly boring. Well, with a resounding recommendation like that, I bet you can guess that I'm bubbling over with excitement.

And then Saturday we're going to an onsen. For the entire day. Yay? I don't really understand how you can spend an ENTIRE DAY at an onsen, but I guess I'll find out on Saturday.

In any case, I'm going to go cut this short and go to bed 'cause I am so tired it's not even funny. G'niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

P.S. Oh, wait, but today I fangirled about M.T. Anderson...IN JAPANESE. I think this just upped my nerdiness a level.

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